Заседание семинара по социофизике
д.ф.-м.н., проф. Андрей Хренников
(ун-т им. Линнея, Вёксьо, Швеция)
Можно ли использовать квантовый формализм
при моделировании познавательной деятельности,
принятия решений, социального поведения?
Аннотация доклада
Recently experts from various domains of science, e.g., cognition, decision making, social behavior, political studies, started to use the formalism of quantum mechanics. These studies are based on the quantum-like paradigm (elaborated by the speaker): processing of information by complex context-sensitive systems has to be described by nonclassical probabilistic models: there is a plenty of statistical data which violate the laws of classical probability (or what is equivalent the laws of classical Boolean logic). We plan to explain in humanity friendly way nonclassicality of data and the possibilities provided by the quantum viewpoint on probability as the squared absolute value of the complex probability amplitude (wave function).
Andrei Khrennikov, Professor of Applied Mathematics, International Center for Mathematical Modeling in Physics, Engineering, Economics, and Cognitive Science; Linnaeus University, Växjö-Kalmar, Sweden
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